Thursday, December 1, 2011


I began using Edmodo this year to provide online assignments. Here are some of the reasons I love using
 - No cost to K-12 educators and schools
- Layout is similar to Facebook so students can easily navigate the website
- Notifications box tells me how many assignments have been turned in since my last login
- Notifications box for students tells them how many assignments are due and how many assignments are late
- Embedding or linking to videos is relatively simple
- Privacy controls keep student information secure
- You can assign quizzes online and allow Edmodo to grade them for you
- Easily provide feedback on student work
- Integration with Google Docs allows the teacher to link from Edmodo to Google Docs for presentations, handouts, or assignments
- Parents can set up accounts to view student assignments and student grades as well as communicate with teachers
- Administrators can have accounts
- Teachers and administrators can view analytics on student, class, and teacher utilization of Edmodo (site visits, turn ins, etc).
- District or school subdomains
- Teachers can reset student passwords
- Teachers can award students badges for positive behaviors

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